What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a healthcare profession that focuses on restoring optimal body function by influencing the nervous system.

Your chiropractic will use their hands to work with your spine and nervous system primarily through specific chiropractic adjustments, to bring change to the body and reduce interference from within.

The nervous system is the major controlling, regulatory and communicating system in the body, keeping us in touch with our environment both internally and externally.

Stress can build within our nervous system and lead to interference in the way our body should work. This can be from various physical, emotional or chemical stressors that are present in our everyday lives from birth until the day we take our last breath.

All the systems of the body (skeletal, muscular, circulatory, hormonal, digestive, glandular eliminatory, immunological, reproductive and respiratory) are controlled by the nervous system. Therefore, they all depend on optimal neurological function.

Chiropractic care focuses on restoring and optimising the health by facilitating your body’s natural ability to heal so that you can feel and function at your best to live life optimally. Whether you have a specific concern or not, chiropractic could benefit you and your health!  

Can Chiropractic help with ….. ?

Here at Purpose Chiro, we don’t solely look at the symptoms or pain you present with, we see you as a whole person, and we tailor our assessments and adjustments to meet your individual needs.

A chiropractor is non-diagnostic and non-therapeutic in their approach to symptoms. Instead, we focus on the frame of your body, the flow of your spine, and the tension in your nervous system. As chiropractors, we listen to the language of your body - your body will reveal way more to us than the symptoms you feel and actually many symptoms tend to leave when the body has a greater state of ease. Remember, it’s not chiropractic that fixes your issues. It’s the natural intelligence of your own body that does the work. Chiropractic simply supports this intelligence.

Along with postural alignment and function, Chiropractic can also help with many other complaints and concerns, including:

-      Stress

-      Sciatica

-      Headaches

-      Back pain

-      Neck pain

-      Plantar fasciitis

-      Jaw issues

-      Sports injuries

-      Sleep

-      Performance

-      Pregnancy and postpartum

-      Newborns and infants

-      Developmental delays

-      Child and teenage health

-      Wellbeing

-      Family health

Tarryn Maynard