Chiropractic care is the restoration of optimal body function. As chiropractors, we primarily perform specific chiropractic adjustments to reduce stress related interference to the nervous system.

Stress can build within our nervous system and lead to interference in the way our body should work. This can be from various physical, emotional or chemical stressors that are present in our everyday lives from birth until the day we take our last breath. 

All the systems of the body (skeletal, muscular, circulatory, hormonal, digestive, glandular eliminatory, immunological, reproductive and respiratory) are controlled by the nervous system. Therefore, they all depend on optimal neurological function.

Chiropractic care focuses on restoring and optimising the health by facilitating your body’s natural ability to heal so that you can feel and function at your best to live life optimally. Whether you have a specific concern or not, chiropractic could benefit you and your health!


Our goal is to truly understand you and how your body is working so that we can create a tailored plan to help you to achieve your health goals.

We don’t just solely look at the symptoms or pain you present with, we see you as a whole person, and we tailor our assessments and adjustments to meet your individual needs. As chiropractors, we listen to the language of your body - your body will reveal way more to us than the symptoms you feel and many symptoms actually tend to leave when the body has a greater state of ease.


Individuals & Families

  • Pregnant and postpartum women

    Newborns and infants

    Children and teenagers



  • Neck pain

    Back pain and back ache

    Shoulder pain

    Hip pain

    Knee pain

    Elbow pain

    Wrist pain

    Jaw issues

    Joint pain

    Muscle pain

  • Poor posture



    Vertigo & Dizziness



    Inability to relax


  • Muscle spasms


    Rotator Cuff injuries

    Ankle sprains

  • Pelvic pain


    Plantar Fasciitis

    Tennis Elbow



    Repetitive strain injury

Many people also value incorporating ongoing chiropractic care into their routines as part of a healthy lifestyle, just as you would with healthy eating and regular exercise.


Babies & Children

Chiropractic care is safe and gentle for babies, infants and children. Our chiropractors are proficient in gentle paediatric techniques suitable for babies and children during all stages of development. 

Chiropractic care can greatly benefit growth and development as well as help to soothe and relax babies and children, by providing ease within their body and nervous system.

Every pregnancy, birth and child’s journey into this world is different, therefore we will need to start with an initial consultation and examination so that we can better understand your child’s history to date and see how we can help.


Pregnancy & Postpartum

A women’s body will experience many changes during and after pregnancy. This includes changes to the ligaments, weight distribution and posture. These shifts can lead to additional pressures in various parts of the body, including the spine, pelvis and nervous system.

Chiropractic care during pregnancy is a safe and gentle way to promote comfort during your pregnancy and after birth by facilitating your body to better manage the stressors from these frequent changes.

We love being a part of this journey and we’re committed to helping new and experienced mothers during this wonderful process. Tarryn and Hiral have both completed extra chiropractic training and are very experienced in working with pregnant and postpartum women.