Spine & Posture Check


FREE event!

Bought to you by Purpose Chiropractic, we invite you to attend a FREE Spine and Posture Check this August.

Led by our qualified Doctors of Chiropractic, Dr. Tarryn and Dr. Hiral will perform a spinal health check to look for any imbalances, postural issues or dysfunctions that may be occurring in your body. They will take the time to assess your posture, explain the results found and discuss your best options going forward. If there are any underlying issues that may respond to further treatment they will let you know.

Who is this event for?

This event is for EVERYONE! If you would like a chat with a qualified chiropractor or have never had a posture check before we would encourage you to book in for a free check.

The 7 following key health issues indicate it is definitely time to get checked:

  1. Back pain that doesn’t go away

  2. Migraines and headaches

  3. Poor posture

  4. Joint stiffness

  5. Sleeping problems

  6. Lack of energy

  7. Tension and inability to relax

Can children be checked?

Absolutely! A posture and spine check is particularly valuable for children as it could identify alignment issues, postural imbalances or even scoliosis. Dysfunction at a young age can be identified by a chiropractor to potentially avoid issues later on in life. A few reasons to get your child booked in for a spinal health check:

  1. Ever experienced head trauma or a physical accidents

  2. Their shoulders are uneven

  3. Sleep troubles

  4. Regular sports participation

  5. Carry a heavy backpack

  6. Sit for prolonged periods of time

  7. Physical developmental delays

Why is Posture Important?

Your posture is the window to your spine and key to your health. The spine has a powerful relationship with the brain, spinal cord, nerves and overall organ function. This intimate connection means that poor posture and spinal health can negatively impact our health if left. A simple assessment method will be used to locate potential stress points in the skeletal structure that may be the cause of or lead to future pain and discomfort in the body.